
  • Thinking Outside of the Box Yourself for a Happier Life

    Thinking Outside of the Box Yourself for a Happier Life

    Much of our own unhappiness and the world’s problems disappears when we can put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. Everyone has a different story, and understanding their perspectives not only make you feel better about any situations (even upsetting ones) but improve your overall happiness. Babies start out in life completely egocentric, only aware of…

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  • Don’t just talk a big game. Make it happen.

    Don’t just talk a big game. Make it happen.

    Imagine it was 1848, and you found the biggest gold mine, and told everyone about it. You were right—the motherload of gold was there, but you never carry through and took any action. Instead of living the rest of your life covered in gold, you watched people who heard about your discovery do the hard…

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