Personal Growth

  • Don’t go for quick fixes

    Don’t go for quick fixes

    True progress is hard and it takes time. In our society, it’ much easier and profitable to sell a false promise and easy way out. Lose 30 pounds in 30 days anyone? It certainly sounds more appealing than eat healthy, move your body, build muscles, etc. I’m going to put my daughter on the spot…

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  • Don’t just talk a big game. Make it happen.

    Don’t just talk a big game. Make it happen.

    Imagine it was 1848, and you found the biggest gold mine, and told everyone about it. You were right—the motherload of gold was there, but you never carry through and took any action. Instead of living the rest of your life covered in gold, you watched people who heard about your discovery do the hard…

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  • The Constant of Change

    The Constant of Change

    “The grass is not greener on the other side. It’s greener where you water it.” I really like this quote.  It’s human nature to complain, and not appreciate things until we lose them.  When we complain, we are not living in the moment.  Whatever situation you’re in, know what you have and make the most…

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  • Goal Setting Tools

    Creating and setting goals is great, but actually achieving them can be much harder.  Using the proven goal setting exercises discussed in this article can help you not only in setting an achievable goal, but also in the individual steps and processes needed to achieve it. The way we spend our lives, those seemingly small…

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